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Get to Know the Youth Protection Program

Cal Poly’s Partners Preview event which provides participating partner high school students the opportunity to enjoy the full Cal Poly college experience.

Each year, Cal Poly hosts thousands of youths attending programs and camps designed to help broaden their horizons and grow their mental and physical acuity.

The Youth Protection Program — under Risk Management — works to ensure a safe environment for these participants both in-person and virtually.

The program safeguards minors by defining a bandwidth of acceptable behavior when interacting with them and establishes minimum requirements for youth programs operated by, affiliated with or held on campus.

One such requirement for program and camp directors is to register their youth programs on an annual basis. With that said, if you are a program or camp director looking to host a youth program in the next year, please register sooner rather than later. This helps the ERM team plan and ensure that your team will be aware of all measures needed to be accounted for before the camp starts.

All the mandated trainings, programs and reporting requirements, compliance steps and more can be found on the updated webpage for Cal Poly’s Youth Protection Program.

There, program directors and coordinators, staff, volunteers and parents can find in-depth information about policy, procedures and best practices.