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How Student Accounts was Able to Focus Forward This Year

Every year, Cal Poly community members are invited to complete a customer satisfaction survey from Administration and Finance. This survey allows staff and faculty to provide feedback on each A&F department based on the previous year and share ideas on ways to improve their services. The name of this year’s survey, “Focus Forward”, has been the popular motto this past year. It embraces continual progress and consistent improvement.

One department that really adopted the idea of Focus Forward was Student Accounts. Through the survey Student Accounts heard that their online services needed to be easier to use. Hence, the department got to work.

Today Student Accounts is happy to announce that they have developed two new options for the tuition & fees payment system. Previously, some students had to pay their tuition & fees by sending a check to the University Cashiers Office. Now we can provide students an option to directly pay online with select 529 plans. The second new option is an integration with Flywire international payments to power Cal Poly’s international fund transfers. Implementing these online services should reduce delays and errors in processing paper checks, and allow both the University Cashiers Office and Student Accounts more opportunities to improve other services students have been asking for.

“Focus Forward” is not a concrete goal that can be achieved, it’s about continually improving upon a service and meeting the needs of students, staff and faculty. This change was made possible by the feedback that was given through the Focus Forward survey. Student’s spoke and Student Accounts listened and adapted.

This is the first in a series of occasional posts about the changes in Administration & Finance departments as a result of feedback from the Focus Forward survey.