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We Asked, Jeanette Myers Answered

Jeanette Myers is all over the place. No, literally, when she’s not hiring contractors for capital projects on campus, the former airline employee is traveling. Never to the same place, mind you, because, in her words, “I love to experience new things. I don’t like to go to the same place twice because there are so many places to see in this world unless, of course, I am visiting my sons; then, I’ll go a million times.”

In May, Myers received the Procurement Excellence Award during the CSU Business Conference for demonstrating a high level of performance on her campus while representing the CSU's values. This was a rare case of going to the same place twice — it was the second time she’d received the award.

For the past 14 years, Jeanette has served as a procurement specialist on the Public Works team, handling projects of all types and sizes and working diligently with project managers and contractors.

Jeanette stepped away from her role for a couple minutes to talk about life lessons, how she landed in SLO, and where she is traveling next.

How did you end up in SLO County?

I grew up in Simi Valley and moved to San Luis in 1987 with a friend and was able to get a job with American Eagle Airlines. The airline took me to New York, Nashville and Dallas before relocating me back to San Luis. I was with the airline for 21 years and I loved it. I have been back in San Luis for 20 years now so, I consider myself a local.

What is your favorite word? Why?

Integrity. To me, it is the most important thing.

What do you want to be when you grow up?

Happy, healthy and content.

What’s the best piece of advice you’ve ever received?

This too shall pass.

What is the most important lesson life has taught you?

Change is inevitable and not to be feared.

What tops your bucket list?

I don’t have a bucket list; I tend to be more spontaneous.

Where would you rather be right now?

Traveling of course.

Where are you traveling next?

Well, my youngest son is currently living in Australia for a year so, I would really like to check that out while he’s there. Then that, of course, leads to Bali and Japan…. 😊